Archive | May 2014

Almost there!

Wednesday and Thursday…more moving/packing/organizing. Condo by day, house by night. Not much else to report. Did get to see Rebecca for a swim and also got some decent runs in, despite my cold/stuffy nose.



Then Friday a spontaneous surprise visit from Carlie! She was in town less than 24 hours, but we got a lot of organizing done, two car-loads moved out to the house, a delicious local lunch and homemade ice cream!



Then today… Nice morning sleeping in (til 8am), James broke in the new mower, and I fussed with the cable install all day. But it is all worked out! We are back at the condo tonight because SOMEONE got a haircut, and someone ELSE has a half-marathon tomorrow. Woohoo!



Holiday in my New Home

So we got a lot done this holiday weekend! Aubrey and Kevin both had Sunday off, and volunteered to lend me their truck, trailer, and muscles to get my big furniture moved out of the condo (I also traded them a couch). Zach was also free, so the five of us made an awesome (and efficient!) team.

James and I met them at the condo in the morning. Disassembling the necessary furniture and loading it into the vehicles only took about 2 hours. Then we drove it out and unpacked it, and were completely done by 1pm.

Aubrey and Kevin tried out the new sofa while we waited for James and Zach to arrive.


Then we celebrated our success with Mexican food (the local joint is awesome and has killer bean dip) and ice cream (another local place that makes it by hand).

Aubrey and Kevin headed back at that point, Zach stayed a bit longer to play some video games before we all headed back into town for X-Men. Really enjoyed the movie! A great retcon for the film franchise, and that Quicksilver scene was worth it alone!

Monday we were just chillin like villains. I went for an awesome run in the morning, we did some organizing around the house, and then headed back into town for a Memorial Day BBQ at Marty’s. Great food, great company! We also bought a new lawn mower.

Today was a sad return to reality with work for James and classes for me. Plus more moving, because there are still a lot of odds and ends at the condo. But I’m confident it will all get done and this new chapter in my life can officially begin!


Just Keep Moving

The rest of Tuesday…more packing.

Wednesday after my run, I went in for CPR/First Aid training at work. Exciting stuff. And on my lunch break, I changed my address at the driving bureau, set up postal forwarding, and had a picnic at a local trail.

Thursday was so productive! I got a good start on my online classes in the morning, headed into town for yoga, and got an entire carload packed before meeting Marty for a pedicure. We also ran some errands before I headed back out to the house.

Friday started out with a nice, relaxed morning. And by that I mean I KILLED my 12-mile training run (under 2 hours!) and enjoyed the most perfect weather ever. Then I unpacked at the house before heading back to the condo for more work. James stayed behind to get the house set up for Sunday’s move-in.

Friday night met up with Zach and the gang for mini golf!





Highlights of the evening include golfing song parodies, handicaps for Anna (the birthday girl), Zach’s water rescue, and Mage taking the game way too seriously…which Sara took full advantage of by messing with him. Also, delicious cake.


So then I got up early Saturday morning to meet Regan for a chill 10k. It was just lovely weather, and a nice recovery run for me.


Then once I got back to the condo, much packing ensued. Also, sold my piano to a lovely family. They were real pros about transporting it, too.


And finally, headed back out to the house for a chill evening watching The Way Back with my love!

Week of Friends Visiting

First, pic with Lyds from last Sunday!

So Monday I headed back into town in the morning and did some speedwork at the Y. Then I did some packing at condo, had a meeting, and went back out to the house so we could watch Captain Phillips.

Then Tuesday I headed back for yoga after a nice morning walk… Did some more packing and other errands. Cathy and Brian came over to help me sort through some stuff to either consign, yard sale, or donate. Then I took the dog to the park and hit the hay early in prep for my double shift Wednesday.

Work was a little rough this week, but I got some good reactions from people who hadn’t seen me in awhile and a nice walking break with another coworker.

Thursday had a morning run PLUS good workout with Lara, followed by more packing/cleaning before Chelsea’s arrival! We met Lydia for some delicious Mexican food, and explored some local shops. Then Chels and I stayed up til the wee hours walking and talking and whatnot. She had to leave early the next morning.


Friday then continued with a nice run, packing, arrival of James, and meeting up with some of our friends for Godzilla and a late meal at IHOP.

Saturday I managed to get in my requisite 11 miles. Then we enjoyed a lovely walk downtown.





After that, we meandered back to the condo and chilled for a few hours until the time was upon us to go meet STEVE at a lovely restaurant downtown.


His first comment after not seeing me for about 6 months was “There’s gonna be nothing left of you to hug! You’re so skinny…bitch!” I missed him so much! So dinner turned into a whole evening…we closed the place down! By the end it was just the original gang from that fateful night I first met James back in Jan 2013.



Then Sunday we had a nice relaxed morning before meeting Kelly and Cody at an area theme park! We got there early to do all the big rides, had lunch at the smokehouse, and enjoyed picture-perfect weather.




Finally, we rounded off Sunday with a trip to bid Steve farewell (at the dog park, of course) and an evening out at the house watching Game of Thrones.


Monday I worked a double. Nothing much to report. Except that James was awesome enough to wait up for me, even though I got off around midnight and he usually gets up for work before 5am.

Today I had yoga, tried an inversion, grabbed a smoothie for lunch, and will shortly return to packing up the kitchen. Just another day in this hectic moving process!

Summer Adventures

This long weekend has been action-packed!

Starting Thursday, I met up with my Little Little for a historic picnic!


We found a nice shady spot.




Then after we feasted, we continued on, “back in time.”



Later that evening, I went to the dog park where I found Zach and Anna, among other friends. Then James and I joined our neighbors for a monopoly rematch.


Then Friday, we headed on a day trip to get Brat’s dental work done. While we waited, we went to a zoo where we got to FEED GIRAFFES!




It was so epic! I have dozens of more pictures, but that’s enough for now. We got back pretty early in the afternoon, so I walked to the grocery store! Then James headed back out to the country and I stayed to pack and get ready for Saturday.

My dear friend Stephanie had a beautiful bridal shower! I carpooled with another dear friend Gabby. After a morning run, I made us pancakes and eggs for breakfast. Then we headed down in our hats and sundresses to celebrate!








It was just delightful! The rest of the evening I spent doing a little shopping (won a VS giftcard at the shower, put it to good use!) and had a nice chat with Carlie.

Then Sunday I made it out from under my covers in time for an 8ish mile run with Bob. We did a new route around a local vineyard. It was lovely and shady, despite the annoying stitch in my side at the very end.

Now more packing, chili dinner with Lyds, and once the car is full, head out to watch Game of Thrones with my love.

It’s the end of the Semester and We Know It!

Sunday was just beautiful, so I tried to make the best of the fact that I had lots of studying to do by using my new picnic blanket and bringing the books into the great outdoors!


I got a little sunburn, despite the fact that I reapplied…twice! It was still so worth it. Of course that was after my fastest-ever 10-miler with Bob in the morning. And before my visit to the dog park. Clearly, I was being productive!

Monday was the last BIG test. The best I can say is that I got the grade I NEEDED to get. I followed that with a little business-casual shopping before my final clinical evaluations. And then the day got really interesting.

Despite the testy weather, I ended up biking downtown to the Monday running club 5k. I felt silly because it really was looking like a downpour, but fortunately it cleared up! Had a really nice run and made a new friend!


We stayed after for a drink and quick snack. She actually lives out in “the country” near where I will be moving, so maybe we’ll run together in the future! It was a lot of fun and I’m so glad I didn’t let the weather keep me away.

Tuesday morning James was sweet enough to come down early before work because I missed him. Then I had a productive day of studying and yoga, followed by an after-work walk downtown and this week’s Game of Thrones.

Wednesday I got my run in early (a slowish 5 miles) and then did some last-minute studying before the FINAL (worth 10%) at 11:30. And thank goodness I survived with a passing grade, because so many of those questions were out of left field!

Then the real fun! Finally an afternoon to hang out with AmandaChan!


And now…bliss. As it all sinks in… I survived! I can breathe again! I can focus on the infinitely more exciting prospects of moving and spending time with my love.

Moments of today

Today’s workout barbie moment brought to you by: climbing my stairs about 40 extra times (while walking around the house studying) to earn the 50 flights badge in fitbit

Today’s fat kid moment brought to you by: overeating bottomless chips at Moe’s and then eating 6 mint chip cookies when I got home

Today’s spring is beautiful moment brought to you by: a morning walk with Bonnie and a bike ride down to see Heather at the farmer’s market


Today’s slacker student moment brought to you by: two episodes of OUaT (should have been zero)

Today’s random obsessive moments brought to you by: fitbit (always) and scentsy (trying all my new smells)


Tomorrow’s moments should include: a reunion run with the infamous Bob, 6 chapters of study guide questions (admittedly more than a moment), a trip to the dog park, and a fresh loaf of banana bread