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Upon Further Reflection

I threw a party for my friends.  It was a really creative idea, and probably something that has never been done before.  The theme fit me perfectly, and most of my guests played along and dressed up with me.  No, everything didn’t go exactly as I planned.  But I’m not perfect and life’s not perfect, so why should I expect that this would be any different?  It wasn’t perfect, but it was sure a lot of fun!

People sang to me, they gave me presents, they laughed, they seemed to have a great time!  The food was DELICIOUS, the cake was beautiful, and it was all captured on in several hundred photographs.  No matter how you slice it, this will absolutely be a birthday party I will never forget!  Cheers to being 25 and alive!

I’ve Got a Beautiful Feeling

Everything’s going my way!

Oh boy do I feel like a million bucks today.  It’s just one of those days that comes along every once in awhile that makes you feel as though you can’t stop smiling.  And after my run this afternoon, I couldn’t stop smiling OR moving.  But let me start at the beginning.

This morning I had tests in both of my community college classes, which sounds like it would be a terrible start to the day.  But I got up in time to have a calm morning, made myself some chai tea, and had a relaxed study session while watching Stewart and Colbert.  Then, I went to my first test and blew it out of the water!  I left campus for lunch at Tropical Smoothie, where they were giving away free samples of a delicious new flavor: Gimme 5.  After studying over lunch for test number two, I went back to campus to take it.  Test number two was not only composed 100% of material I had studied, but it took me less than 40 minutes.

After getting out of class early, I decided to celebrate my success and this GORGEOUS 70-degree weather by going for a 3-mile run.  A run of this length is not terribly ambitious for me, but it is more than I typically run at the gym (2-2.5 miles).  The run went very well, and apparently there was a little extra spring in my step, because I ran that distance in exactly 40 minutes, which is faster than I’ve ever done it!  And while I know that clocks in at an unimpressive 13:17 minute mile, it’s progress for me over that distance.  I think as long as this weather cooperates, I’m going to try to add distance at that pace and see if I can work up to my 10k ambition.

Then Bonnie and I visited with Max and Will for a few minutes before heading to the dog park.  And because it was so nice out, we spent almost 2 hours there playing and socializing.  It was just too gorgeous to be inside while it was bright out!

Now I’m home and ready to eat some delicious leftovers, watch Glee, and pack for a visit to my grandparents this weekend.  It will really be an action-packed weekend, because I’ll get to see Teddy PLUS my aunt Lynne who is also visiting.

I was just so jazzed about today that I couldn’t hold it in!  Feeling great and loving life; isn’t that how every day should be?

Bright New Beginnings

This is the beginning of a post about the beginning of a new life for myself an many of my favorite people, both literally and figuratively.

My friends Carlie, David and their son Henry have a new addition to their family.  Baby Benjamin was born yesterday afternoon, 20 inches long, weighing in at 6lbs 15oz.  Against the odds, he was born on his actual due date!  The proud parents were so happy and relieved to have a complication-free birth.

I spent the day babysitting Henry while they were at the hospital.  After Henry’s nap, we joined the rest of his family at the hospital, and he got to meet his baby brother for the first time.  All during the pregnancy, they’ve been asking Henry to point out where Benjamin is, in his mommy’s belly.  When we went to the hospital, and they asked “Where’s Benjamin,” Henry answered, “Right there!  Baby got out!”  I think it really blows 2-year-old-Henry’s mind that Benjamin is no longer in mommy’s belly.

I’ll be with Henry today, and the parents are planning to be home from the hospital before dinner.  I was thrilled to be able to help them take care of Henry during this exciting time, and it couldn’t have been timed better for me.  This is the last free weekend I have before my classes start Monday.  Well, I mean my weekends will still be free…  But I was worried Ben would be born when I was busy with classes or something else, and I couldn’t come help.

This semester, I’ll be taking Biology and Psychology, both intro level courses that I never took at my four year college.  I’m only going part time at first because I feel like I need to ease myself back into the routine of taking classes.  I’m pretty excited about this new chapter in my life.

Tomorrow I'll Miss You

This post is dedicated to a dear friend of mine who married a wonderful man yesterday, and is about to experience on even more changes.  First, she has just received her Master’s in Geology from an esteemed university.  Second, she is embarking on a promising new job in her field.  Third, she is leaving the east coast and most of her friends and family to pursue her career and new life.

Her wedding weekend started for me at the bachelorette party on Friday night.  Living near the water, we all met up at a wharf to take a short pedestrian ferry to our destination restaurant.  This place was the first Spanish-style tapas restaurant that I have encountered outside of Barcelona, though admittedly I haven’t traveled any major metropolitan areas in the States since my trip to Spain in March.  The desserts and cocktails were delightful, as was the company.  We played a few games, and then proceeded to rate the bride’s blushing as we gave her each scandalous gift.  Comparisons ranges from “tomato red” to “boiled lobster red” and were greatly amusing to all.  Two friends and I joined in on one geology-related gift – PJs that read “You can check my cleavage, if I can test your hardness.”  Even if you don’t get the geology-humor, you’ll realize that it’s funny and pick up on the innuendo, I imagine!

I didn’t see her again, of course, until we got to the church.  However, I did not have to wait for her grand entrance!  Thanks to my careful planning (we left 2 hours in advance for an hour long journey, in case of traffic) and Lydia’s observant sign-reading (she saved us from a 4-mile back-up and directed us along an alternate route), we arrived about 30 minutes early. As we were using the powder room, the beautiful bride popped in to use the mirror for a last-minute lipstick check!  It totally caught me off guard, because she looked so stunning in her dress.  It was like going backstage at a really famous event, because the bride is definitely a celebrity on her wedding day!

The ceremony was absolutely lovely, with hymns, readings, and even a “sermonette” by their pastor.  And the decorations were a highlight, because the bride and her co-conspirators were able to pull-off something I’ve been pondering for years – the most gorgeous and realistic-looking artificial flowers I’ve ever seen!  Plus, getting there early earned us some great seats, to which we were ushered by handsome men in top-hats.

After the bride and groom walked back down the aisle, we all had plenty of time to get to the next venue – a reception at a stunning art museum.  The main hall looked like it was taken straight out of an Italian square.  And there were two beautiful staircases where the wedding party made their grand entrance.  The wedding had all the traditional pieces – first dances with the groom and father of the bride, hilarious toasts, and the cutting of the cake.  However, it also had some non-traditional elements, namely the fact that the museum was open to all guests!  So, in the down time when people would normally be embarrassing themselves on the dance floor, we wandered around to view great works of art.

After an evening of good food, better company, and celebrating the new couple, we took part in a unique send-off.  First, the car said “Geo makes the bed rock” which is hilarious.  Second, instead of rice or bubbles, we all had glow-sticks and formed a tunnel for them to get to the car.  It was a magical evening, only fit for such a wonderful person as my friend, JoBeth.