Archive | April 25, 2014

Springtime Happenings

Some years, it really doesn’t feel like spring has really arrived until Easter. This has been one of those years, and as much as I have enjoyed the cold running weather, the change is nice.

James and I celebrated with Emily and her family! Look how cute we all are 🙂



After lots of delicious food, we made our way back out to the country for some Game of Thrones on the big screen.

Monday morning kicked off with a run, after I got the car packed to head back with all the dogs to the city. I ran all kinds of errands because I had no lecture that morning. I did still have clinical, so I showed up at the hospital in my scrubs at noon. That evening I took advantage of the beautiful weather and ran again! A local running club has started doing a weekly 5k.


Tuesday was busy as always with long clinical hours, followed by yoga. I had a meeting with my group for my online class. We had a paper due Wednesday.

On Wednesday, I filled my day with class, house cleaning, house showing (to a potential tenant), and lots of paper writing. Oh, and of course a morning run. But it all went well in the end!


Thursday I had the most productive morning! Completed all my new hire paperwork for my summer externship, set up my fitbit, took the dogs for a walk, and settled some banking business all before my yoga class. Then I got a sports massage to help keep my running injury-free. When James got home, we went to the dog park.


Then Friday! Ahh, we slept in (sort of), I conquered 9 miles, came home… Then James and I took the dogs downtown, and headed to my Nursing Honors presentation. It went as well as expected, and then we celebrated with dinner at our favorite restaurant where we met Zach, Dan and Anna.

The weather outside was frightful, and the drive home after dinner was eventful. But we got home safely so I haven’t got any complaints. Now to balance the weekend with work, play, and workouts of course.